"South Shropshire is such a special place to live. Our rivers and streams sustain a rich variety of wildlife. I want to see them protected for future generations.
Residents have recently contacted me with their concerns about plans announced by Severn Trent to divert wastewater from Bishop’s Castle sewage treatment works at the River Kemp into the River Onny.
This prompted me to contact Severn Trent for a more detailed update..."
Severn Trent have told me that the proposals are aimed at improving the River Clun as a Special Area of Conservation by reducing phosphate released into the area. It combines with upgrades already programmed at the sewage treatment works to further reduce the amount of phosphate released.
They have stated that the project would transfer fully treated final effluent only, as there is no storm overflow at Bishop’s Castle. That said, I know this has been raised as a concern by local residents who feel it will negatively impact the River Onny.
Importantly, Severn Trent added that the scheme will not be funded unless the Environment Agency formally approve it after they have made their own assessment of the project. I will be following this and looking to see what assessment they make of the proposals. There will also be further investigations to ensure there is “no deterioration” to the River Onny.
Rest assured; I will be closely monitoring this situation for developments. I know many fellow residents care a great deal about protecting our natural environment, as do I. I am also interested in hearing from those this might impact. So, please contact me to let me know your thoughts and take part in my poll below: